4tube.com works on the same online platform like Porntube.com and it has all the same features and the homepage layout is the same. You can go to the most recent free porn videos right away or just pick something from the most viewed today section. All videos are in HD and the lengths vary from just over a few minutes up to 20 minutes or more. The main navigation bar offers you options like all videos, categories, channels, pornstars, playlists, which is a really great option and helps you a lot with narrowing down your search, premium, meet and fuck, live cams and porn deals.
Porn deals are a really great feature. You can get an instant access to a premium porn site like Brazzers for only 9,95$ per month using this porn deal here. There is a lot less content here than on Porntube but it does not lack in quality at all. This is probably an additional porn site to Porntube.com so if you feel like checking it out, you can, because you will not go wrong with it. It’s a nice porn site but there are a lot better sites out there so it’s up to you.