hotgoo is one of the most well organized free porn sites on the net and it is loaded with hot content. Maybe it does not offer all videos in HD but the content is real good and the navigation is a walk in the park. You will find everything that you need in the blink of an eye just by visiting the homepage. The features are really numerous and you can sort your content in, at least, three ways, using the main navigation bar or other three features. You can always choose to see only the newest uploaded videos or you can upload the porn material yourself.
The features are usual like categories, live sex, upload video, new uploads, most popular, top rated and goospy, which is a real cool option because you can use it to see what other visitors are watching. Also, you can sort your content by rating, views, title, submit time or duration, and type, straight, gay and solo guys. The content shown on the homepage is a mix of straight and gay videos, bringing you only the best clips on the site, in one place. With 11,500 pages of videos, you’ll get what you want.