There are not many free porn sites on the net which mix gay and straight porn niche in one place but if you are looking for that kind of a site, might be right up your alley. Even though its focus is not on mixing gay with other niches, you can see some of the porn clips, here and there, while you are surfing the homepage. Most of the content is straight, to be honest. The homepage layout is real nice and you have three main features like new videos, best videos and hot, and on the right site you can see models, categories, tags and upload features as well.
All videos are in HD and all thumbnails are HQ with a date of being uploaded, duration, rating and a title. The homepage is loaded with videos and if you scroll down to the bottom, you will see the magic button, more videos. The length of videos varies, from over a few minutes up to half an hour but there are full-length movies as well here. This is a simple free porn site, designed to give you what you want with just a few clicks. Pay it a visit.